Useful toys for different ages

Many parents are looking for the right toy for their child. Children’s play, in addition to being enjoyable for the child, also provides a kind of opportunity to express emotions, physical, mental and social development of the child; Therefore, choosing a game that suits the child’s developmental stage is very important. Today, toys are very diverse. By knowing how each group of games affects your child’s skills, you can choose the best type of game for your child’s age. In the following, we have examined suitable and harmful toys for children of different ages. Click for more information on  children’s games  .

General points that you should pay attention to when choosing children’s toys

Toys are tools that are more accessible to children during the day than anything else. Choosing the right types of them can not only help children ‘s entertainment and vitality, but also affect the development of their cognitive, motor, spatial and verbal skills. As a result, you can use the right toys to direct your child’s talents in a more appropriate direction and facilitate his development process. Click to learn more about  discovering a child’s talent  .

Here are some tips to help you choose your child’s toys more successfully.

1. Material of toys

The material of the toys is the first and simplest issue that you should pay attention to in choosing the right toy for your child. This is especially important in the early years of life. Because children at this point in time to understand all the objects around it in the mouth and thus evaluate them as good and bad. Therefore, when buying toys, pay more attention to their ingredients so that they are free of any harmful chemicals. Note that children are more vulnerable than adults, and as a result are more likely to have allergic reactions to chemicals.

۲. Appearance charm

Children are most affected by the appearance of toys. No matter how useful a toy is in terms of performance, it must first be able to attract your child. Choosing happy colors or pictures that are attractive to children will make your child more interested in his toy than anything else and spend more time working with it.

3. Manage the use of smart tools

Today, most children play with devices such as mobile phones or tablets. If the use of these tools is purposeful, it will have a positive effect on children’s intelligence. For example, games that are designed to fit the cognitive perception of children in different age groups help to develop abilities such as spatial perception in them. But it is very important to be able to manage your child’s use of electronic and smart devices and not let these become your child’s only gaming devices.

Because children need to explore their natural environment more than anything else, and they develop their mental skills through curiosity and search. Playing in cyberspace also gives your child the opportunity to interact more with you and other family members during the day and to develop social intelligence. Unfortunately, many parents limit their child to playing with electronic devices due to their inability to control their child’s mischief or lack of sufficient skills to entertain them, which makes them less skilled when dealing with people and interacting in the real world. And due to lack of mobility, they also face physical problems such as obesity.

4. Proportion of homework

Many toys are designed to give the child special tasks so that he can use his mental capacities and discover the right answers in the form of games. When buying such toys that are designed for specific purposes and for children’s intellectual development, be sure to match the difficulty of the tasks with the child’s abilities and do not pressure him to succeed in using these devices.

5. Pay attention to growth rate

Children are growing rapidly mentally, especially in the first 5 years of life. This causes them to constantly find new interests and draw attention to new topics. That’s why you need to pay more attention to your child’s age range in choosing toys and follow his latest interests. Click for more information on the  child’s cognitive development  .

Suitable toys at different stages of a child’s development

At each stage of a child’s physical development and cognitive development, different skills are being developed. So at any age, depending on the growing abilities, certain toys can be useful and contribute to better development. Play is necessary to control children’s anger, foster creativity in the child, healthy growth, happiness and joy of the child. Here are some suitable toys for each age group:

1. Suitable baby toys Birth up to 6 months

During this period, the baby’s development is more focused on the sensory and motor dimensions. At this age, the skills of perceiving the environment through the senses of touch and sight are developing. The child at this age examines different objects to understand the environment and identifies them by seeing and touching. Little by little, he learns to put different objects in his mouth and thus recognizes different objects.

During this period, toys that stimulate the child’s senses will help the child grow. Like big, colorful rattles and colorful toys that hang over the bed, stimulating the baby’s eyesight even more. Toys called toothpicks that a child can put in their mouths are also suitable. Be careful not to use small toys as there is a risk of suffocation. Parent education helps you to provide the best play equipment for your child. Click to learn more about  parenting education  .

۲. Suitable baby toys 6 months to 1 year old

At this age, sensory-motor skills develop further. The ability to grasp and hit objects is evolving. Toys that can be opened and closed, toys that can be hit, toys that are loud, musical and have a very good movement.

3. Suitable toy for 1 to 2 year old children

Motor skills are completed in this course but subtle motor skills are still being formed. Simultaneously with motor development, verbal ability is also being formed.

At this age, toys with structural features can be useful. Like cubes, tower-building tools and very simple storybooks with color illustrations are also effective. Looking at pictures by the child and listening to simple stories in the language of the parents stimulates the child’s verbal development. Click to learn more about  fostering creativity in children  .

4. Suitable toy for children from two to three years old

By the age of two or three, fine motor skills and the use of the hands and fingers will be further developed. Pull-on toys, push-ups such as cars and trucks, and tools such as finger paint help strengthen a child’s hand skills. At this age, motor abilities, spatial visualization and perception of distances are developing. A play ball can also attract a child’s attention. Also, because of the child’s use of symbols and imitation, simple imitation toys such as dolls, household items, etc. are more effective.

5. Suitable toys for children from three to five years old

Imagination and symbolism become more advanced at this age, so toys such as instruments, similar to real-world tools and objects, make imitation games possible. In addition, with age, the child’s ability to think and cognitive processing is rapidly developing and expanding; So educational toys such as puzzles, numbers, letters and pictures are also useful. At this age, the child can learn to count and name using games.

To strengthen the mentioned skills, you can provide painting tools for your child.

More detailed house designs and logos are appropriate at this age and help increase the child’s processing power and concentration. Click to learn more about the  game to control children’s anger  .

Harmful toys at a young age

According to child psychology, the use of some toys is harmful and harmful to young children. Some of these harmful toys are as follows:

1. Small toys in the early stages of development that can go into the mouth and cause suffocation should be kept away from the child.

۲. Toys with harmful substances such as lead and toxins that are harmful to the child’s health should be kept out of the reach of the baby, especially in the early stages of development.

3. Digital and computer equipment and games are not recommended at all for young children, especially under two years old. These tools not only limit the child’s growth and creativity, but also, according to research, can disrupt the child’s brain, learning ability and interaction with the environment in the early stages of development.

4. Toys that are too loud, such as some guns, are too loud music and are problematic for the child’s mental health and can also negatively affect the child’s hearing. Click to learn more about  child psychology  .

The last word

Games like thief and cops, guns, fencing, etc. are very popular at some ages. Some believe that these games increase violence and problems in children, but according to observations, these games do not increase violence and in a way evoke emotion and increase creativity. Instead, computer games that involve violence and killing can affect the child and increase aggression and violence. Finally, each child has their own unique characteristics, so use child counseling to raise and develop your child as best as possible. Click to learn more about  child counseling  .

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